Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Our soon to launch social networking site is not only for parents but GRANDparents too! (and aunts/uncles, siblings, cousins....)

Are you a grandparent with a grandchild who has special needs?

Susan Adcox, Guide recently wrote an article about how to handle “Grandparenting A Child With Special Needs” Here is an excerpt:

Some children are clearly special needs children from their birth; sometimes their condition was known before birth. Other conditions, such as Attention Deficit Disorder, only manifest themselves as the child becomes older. In both cases, grandparents face the challenge of coming to terms with the fact that their loved and longed-for grandchild has special needs. Arthur Kornhaber, the author of The Grandparents’ Guide, details the following stages in dealing with a special needs child: Shock and disbelief; blame and disappointment, sadness and depression; acceptance; reality; and action. For the sake of the family, the first three stages need to be as private and as brief as possible. As soon as possible, grandparents need to move on to accepting and dealing with their grandchild’s situation.

So, grandparents, what do you do? Any tips to share with other grandparents? The comments section is waiting for you!

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