Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Books, Sites, Info

I admit it. I am the Queen of Google. Before Google, it was Yahoo. Before Yahoo it was well, probably the Library. Before the Library, well...we'll just leave it at that so as not to age me!

So, what am I talking about? I am talking about information! I love information. I like to self-diagnose (not necessarily a good thing!) If I hear of something I know nothing about, I Google immediately. I really do not know how I survived without access to instant information.

Ok, that might be a stretch, but seriously who's with me?

Even though I do love me some Google, I also think that word of mouth and learning from others is a valuable form of information gathering.

When your child, grandchild or the child in your life was diagnosed with a special need, where did you head first to find out information? What books do you recommend to others in your shoes?

- Do you have any favorite sites, books, etc. ? Let us know here!

In the future, this is the exact thing that you could do a quick REVIEW on on Knowledge Safari!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

This made me laugh....when we found out 9 years ago there was NOTHING!!! It is my goal to write a book for "we just found out our child has special needs" parents...I don't have any good recommendations...but I love regular old blogs!

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