Monday, June 28, 2010

Comfort Zone

Do you spend a lot of time at home?

I was thinking about the families who I work with and noted that some of them spend a lot of time at home. For the two families I am thinking of, I think one is newly diagnosed with Autism and the other has a child who is prone to tantrums.

I think in both cases it seems easier to stay at home. Stay at home to eat, stay at home for entertainment, etc. I think we need to work on that!

Going out even if there is a tantrum or if you are unsure of what will happen, is an important part of development as a child and frankly as a parent! So, that my friends will be my next mission with these families. Step away from the comfort zone!

How do you spend your time and was there a time when it was hard for you to venture outside too?



kadiera said...

We had two factors keeping us at home. The first was my son being extremely premature, and having chronic lung disease - most of cold and flu season, we stay home in an attempt to keep him from getting sick and ending up in the hospital.

The second was that for a long time - until just a few months ago - he vomited multiple times a day. It's one thing to deal with a meltdown in public, another thing entirely to clean up projectile vomit in a restaurant....

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

It is hard to go out sometimes with a child as complicated as my daughter. Every three hours she has to be tube fed, and every four hours she has to be catheterized. In between catheterizations she needs diaper changes. Somewhere in there she is guaranteed to have a seizure or two.

That being said, she does go out with us all the time. We were just at Disneyland yesterday. She is part of our family, and we can't put our lives on hold because of some difficulties.

I don't have a child with autism or tantrums, and I imagine that is a whole different ballgame. I think they should go out but definately have a plan in place. If A happens, then we will do B. If C happens, then D. I am sure that is easier said than done!

Jo said...

There was a time when it was difficult for me to venture outside. Right after Monkey was diagnosed (pediatric stroke with left - sided hemiparesis), it was just too difficult for me to see all of the other happy moms with their "healthy" babies. It was just salt in the wound as I mourned. I did get over it after the initial mourning period, and we are far from homebodies anymore.
Honestly, we don't have the option of being at home much. With Monkey's therapies and other activities, I feel like we're always on the go. Besides, life is too short to spend cooped up at home.

Tiffany said...

We do spend a lot of time at home...but we also do "regular" things too. I think that's helped Olivia advance. It is WAY easier to have guests over here...when we go to other people's houses we're just not sure what she can get into!!

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