Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Funny or Not?

I was speaking with a friend of mine last night who was telling me a story and it made me wonder whether or not there is humor in everything.

The story was about a kid in her child's classroom that has a disorder that makes him make involuntary noises. One that he makes is like a sneeze. Now the kids are all used to him as they have been in school with him for a few years and no one really thinks anything of it anymore...they accept him for who he is.

Now this child has joined a sports team for which my friend's husband is the coach. He had not been around this child and did not know of his disorder and while he was out on the field...the husband/coach kept saying "Bless You" after he "sneezed" . Not wanting her husband to make a production of this - she told him the situation and thus ended the "Bless You's".

No one was making fun of this child. However, the story itself is pretty funny!

It got me thinking...I wonder if the parent of this child would see this as funny?

What do you think?

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